I really enjoy taking out my art journals at night and doodle, draw, paint, glue, whatever. It's so great for winding down or working out frustrations of the day in a healthy way.
If you have always wanted to try out art this is a very safe, inexpensive way to do it. A great tutorial on getting started is over on Lil Blue Boo. I have a journal made out of a composition notebook and a generic sketch book I got at Michael's with a 40% off coupon. One of things I love is I can try new things and don't feel pressure if I was staring at $25 canvas.
Here are a couple pages from my sketch book. Materials used are sharpies and watercolors (for these I used a $10 set from Target Kid Made Modern). See like I said, cheap!
I think the most important thing is to just try! If you have any desire to step outside of yourself and do something artistic - just try!! Paint, draw, write music, sculpt, graphic design, baking, whatever, you have to start somewhere, why not start today!?
This page, I started and then went to bed and left it out. The next morning Nor (he's 2) added his own artistic interpretation of Nashville. At the time I was frustrated that he drew all over it but I know this will probably become one of my treasured pages when he's all grown-up.